We've covered Tes and her offspring at this point, so let me get on to the history of the other early girls. Actually, Pusse's breeding history has also been covered. She
had George and Gladys, sired by Ticle in Singapore, and then Peggy
and Chris sired by Wun Hung Lo. Pusse had a total of 6 litters and
we got kittens from her first and fifth litters. In addition
there were three non-conceives as well. So much for beautiful
Pusse, who is the only original cat (of 4) that turned out to be
clear of the solid color gene and she looked it. She was lighter
and creamer than the others ----and with absolutely no barring whatsoever.
And her ticking was amazingly fine grained. When I talk about ticking,
I ask people to close their eyes and envision sand and gravel. Sand
is fine grained and smooth looking in comparison to gravel's course
and rough appearance. The fine grained "sand" appearance
is what I like to see in the breed today. Color, ticking, eyes,
ears and balance were her strongest qualities then and now.
With Gladys out of the breeding picture, this left only Peggy and Chris as offspring of Pusse. We of course kept them both and they show up over and over again in pedigrees. Willy, (Wilburforce) shows up in a few but not many by comparison. Of Tes' early kittens we kept Gin, born 8-11-76 and I remember her very well. She must have weighted 3 pounds soaking wet. Very small and very petite. Gin's first litter was a naturally born litter of 5 sired by Wun.. I don't have a record of her litters. She was then sold as a breeder and lost to the program. The one we kept was Half Pint O'Gin, born 3-6-78, commonly called "Pint". Old notes show she was "very small, about 3 pounds, heavy ticking, VERY large greenish eyes, no ticking on the top of her head, excellent coat texture, close lying coat of medium length". Her littermates were Gin Collins, Gin Rummy, and Dark Gin . If I surmise correctly, Dark Gin was a solid color kitten And now there are enough cats to write about that it really starts to get complicated because, with the numbers now available, it starts branching ever wider. I know I'm not a good typist but I am being extremely careful and proofing and re-proofing the following registration numbers. Registration Numbers so far- American Cat Association---ACA Tes of
Usaf Ticle of Usaf Pusse
of Usaf Usaf's George Usaf's
Gladys Usaf's Peggy Usaf's Chris Usaf's Wun Hung
Lo Usaf's Gin Usaf's Half Pint O'Gin of Changi Changi's Wilburforce
© T. Meadow
Graphics © Melody Amundson, Mariposa Creations